Radiant Sunshine Eczema Care Kit
Includes: 16oz Body Wash, 4oz Cream, and 2 Packs Starter-Vitamins
Loving your Body goes Beyond Skin Deep! Our smallest Eczema Care Kit is a great way to start! Do not run out! You get this alternative choice of preference. Get 2 weeks supply of "starter-vitamins" and 4 times more in the body wash; body wash may be used for eczema on both skin and scalp. Get this kit alternative with a larger body wash size of 16oz and 1 more week supply of "starter-vitamins"! It's your preference purchase the 4oz body cream and 2 weeks supply "starter-vitamins" and the larger 16oz body wash for bit more cost. Same, consistent proven testimonial results for both moderate to servere ezcema. We are here to give you the best! After almost 4 years, TBeaudy's research, clients, best resources, pure and organic ingredients is a success.
Safe for Hypoallergenic and Sensitive Skin! Eczema Care
Eczema can show up on different parts of the skin including your face and scalp! This product is our top seller and also bulk requested item! Pure, Natural, Non-GMO, Organic and Eco-Cert friendly; your skin will see the difference in glow and moisturization. It is gentle enough to be used all over your skin! Effective in your daily routine!